Working with Collaborating Institutions

Montclair State University implemented a policy to provide guidance and procedures addressing projects involving outside organization (called “Collaborating Organization”) with 1) live vertebrate animals housed at outside organizations or 2) at Montclair State University with funding or support from outside organizations.

Montclair State University is accountable for ensuring that the work being conducted on projects that are done meets all applicable regulations and University policies regarding the humane care and use of animals, whether:

  • Collaborative work is taking place at an outside organization and is funded by Montclair State and animals are not housed at Montclair State facility
  • Collaborative work is taking place with funding by an outside organization and is using Montclair State facilities/Vivarium
  • Collaborative work is taking place with animals supplied by an outside organization for use by Montclair State faculty or staff

If you are looking to working with an external/collaborating institution, please contact the IACUC prior to filling out our IACUC Inter-Institutional Agreement form.

What you will need to complete this form:

  • Collaborating Institution’s Name, USDA Registration #, PHS Animal Welfare Assurance (AWA) #, AAALAC accreditation status
  • Specific protocol information (i.e., protocol title, approval #, approval/expiration dates, PI, sponsors, etc.)

This agreement and any applicable requested documents should be submitted to:

Email: or

Phone: 973-655-3021 or

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
Office of Research Compliance and Regulatory Programs
1 Normal Avenue, Upper Montclair, NJ 07043
Campus Delivery – NURS Room 333

Montclair State University Animal Welfare Assurance #: D18-01026                                                     Montclair State University USDA Registration #: 22-R-0158